Monday, March 12, 2012

Synopsis of the history of Zen as a Japanese Tradition

Zen is defined in English as Meditation. But Zen is not just any form of meditation. Zen is a Japanese Discipline as devised by Dogen Zenji and his followers. Dogen's followers took what he had set up and mixed and merged it with the existing thoughts and ideas embedded in Japanese Culture of the time. This culture had drawn from indigenous rituals and ideas, plus it was greatly influenced from Buddhism and Confucianism from the mainland.

Dogen Zenji had traveled to China and brought back a Chinese Buddhist practice called Chan. Chan was developed by the followers of Bodai Dharuma who had brought what he felt was the true Buddhism, free from the intellectualization of Buddhism that he found in China, and gave them 'Wall Gazing' as the root practice of Buddhism. Bodai Daruma's followers then expanded on 'Wall Gazing' with myriad other skillful means, mostly devised from the Chinese Taoist thought and practices. Thus Buddhism and Taoism became infused to create Chinese Chan.

This Meditation that Bodai Daruma brought came from the Natural Meditation Shakyamuni Butsu found as a boy, and sat with again as an adult, after his other Hindu practices left him still unclear; this Natural Meditation resulted in his Awakened state. This Natural Meditation was later labeled as absorption style meditation or dhyana (one of many types of meditation that exist, but the one and only that left Shakyamuni Awakened). This is called Absorption Meditation because one is completely absorbed into Reality and the Reality has completely absorbed the individual; Reality exists as it is and it is lived clearly each absorbed in the other... no separation exists, and all distinctions have fallen away to leave us Awakened.

Shakyamuni's followers added many thoughts and ideas, Gods and Goddesses as skillful means to aid some in their awakening. Many forms were created, many ways, and many paths; most drawing on the Hindu practices that existed in their culture already.

This Zen, then, that Dogen brought back was this Natural Absorption Meditation from Shakyamuni, revived by Bodai Daruma as 'Wall Gazing', and brought to Japan as 'Shikantaza' or 'just precisely sitting'. Dogen's follower's, then, when they added Japanese Culture to the mix created Zen. Zen then is a combination of Hindu, Buddhism, Taoism, and Shinto (a term now used to denote indigenous Japanese religions from those that came from the mainland; though Shinto (the way of those who came before, or ancestors, or spirits, or even gods) was also influenced by the incoming mainland practices too.

Zen has taken all these influences mixed and or merged them, then periodically boiled them down to a bare essence. Shakyamuni Butsu did it, Bodai Daruma did it, and Dogen did it. This process of expansion and essence produced Japanese Zen. Shikantaza, plus myriad skillful means to lead us all to awaken in this life time, in this very body, right here and now. This is Japanese Zen.

Today in the U.S. a new American Zen is being born. Boiled down again to just living in Reality as it is. But with some of the Japanese Skillful means added when necessary, but only when necessary. We have yet to see exactly what shape American Zen will ultimately take; but we do know one thing... Zen will always be changing, adapting to the new circumstance, fitting exactly in this Reality as it really is, because this is Zen.

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