Monday, December 19, 2011

Our tradition is here in our lives, only so that we may live. Not just survive, but to really appreciate our lives. It was asked, "So the tradition is here so we can learn to appreciate our lives?" In a sense I suppose this is true, but words are so hard to use; closer words might  actually be appreciating our lives not as something we learn to do, but it is just how we live. To live in a state of appreciation.

As you know, all words fall short of really capturing what we are discussing. Words break everything into meanings and categories, that is their purpose. Reality is not broken down this way; but to do so helps us talk about it's varied aspects as they appear to our human senses.

To live this life of appreciation, does take a certain awareness of the subtle beauty of life. Sometimes the beauty is in our challenges; but it is always staying awake to enjoy what lies before us. Awake when awake, sleep when asleep, but appreciate it all the along the way.

To live life as it really is.

Since we know that everything is intertwined, when one moves... the many move; so everthing is always moving. If we move from an unmoving core exactly in tune with what is, we are moving without moving. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. As the core, as the hub, of our own universe we can choose a bit just how to spin or sit and see though, this is the joy of being human.

Though there need be no process to the Way, it is just A Way to live; we often through varied fears need a method to The Way first (cause we're human). It's kind of funny that has humans we don't need a method, it's are natural state to live like this; but as humans we often do need a method. To live is what we are doing. Born, live, die is all of our experiences. A baby is born connected, and soon learns they are seperate too, then we forget we're connected, and need to recognize it again. But we get tied to the outward facing senses so easily and foget the inward facing ones, thus creating two where they do not really exist. So no two step method is needed, but we have many available just in case.

All of these varied methods first lead us is to recognize our core. This need take no time, just live from the core and that's it. When we see the core, we naturally recognize or connection to all that is (this is often the first 'self-realiztion many people experience). It's a wonderful place to live from, but there is no reason to stop there. When we know we are all interconnected with our brains or feel we are with our hearts we can believe ourselves enlightened; it is certainly an amazing experience to have, and even more so to carry into our lives. To embody this and life with this in our daily lives is our tradition.

We can instantaneously live with all the connections, or if we may still carry some fear or greed we might do it step by step and see different connections at different times; eventually dropping away all distinctions and only living life as it is. Or we can just drop the hot coals of fear & greed and live this way now.

To realize that the process is not getting somewhere, or attaining something,  but of living already there... already being. This is the Way. Not a way to, but just a Way.

Love Living Life as it is, and Life is worth Loving. It just works out that way, as a self defining prophecy. If not now, then in time; but why wait, now is the time.

Thank you, I appreciate you all.

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